Three Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Toothbrushes

3 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Toothbrushes are simple tools, but many myths are circulating about them. These myths can be damaging to your oral health, so it's important that you know the truth. Here are three myths you shouldn't believe about toothbrushes. Hard-bristled brushes are better Many people think that hard-bristled toothbrushes are the better option—after all, they let you vigorously scrub your teeth—but this is not the case. Gentle pressure is all that's needed to remove plaque, so aggressively brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush is excessive. Read More 

Getting a Root Canal? 4 Natural, Non-Addictive Pain Reliever Options

16 August 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Root canals save millions of infected, decaying, and painful teeth each year; you may require one of these common procedures at one point in your life. While effective, root canals are surgical procedures that may cause some slight post-surgical pain and discomfort. As a result dentists prescribe 12  percentof all opioid prescriptions in the United States. Although these medications are generally effective, opioids can be very addicting. If you are seeking relief from your post-root canal procedure but would rather avoid opioid options, consider using one of these non-addictive pain relievers. Read More 

Three Things Denture Wearers Need to Know about Bad Breath

1 June 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Bad breath is a common concern for denture wearers. According to studies, a whopping 87% of denture wearers are concerned about the bad breath associated with their oral appliances. If you wear dentures, here are three things you need to know about bad breath. How do you know you have bad breath? While an unpleasant odor is an obvious symptom of bad breath, it's hard to evaluate your own breath, so you may not notice this. Read More 

4 Ways A Dentist Can Help Heal Mouths Of Avid Soda Drinkers

4 May 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

For many people, one of their favorite drinks to enjoy is soda. The carbonated beverage has dozens of different flavors and is great to enjoy with all kinds of meals. If you love drinking soda, then you should also be aware of the potential harmful effects that can be created inside your mouth. If you're a heavy soda drinker, then you could be dealing with tooth decay, cavities, and other issues. Read More 

Four Reasons Why It’s A Bad Idea To Ignore Toothache

6 April 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Toothache is a common problem that affects millions of people in the United States. In fact, one survey showed that 12 percent of the American population reported some form of toothache in the six months before questioning. Worryingly, many people put off a visit to the dentist, but ignoring toothache could become a recipe for disaster. Find out why here. You could ruin your career The symptoms of toothache vary considerably, but even a mild toothache can make it hard to concentrate on a task. Read More