Getting Braces? Follow These 3 Tips For New Wearers

4 December 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you're going to be getting braces, you may not be aware of how life will change once they are installed. Here are some tips you should follow to ensure the process goes smoothly. 1. Brush After You Eat  While you may be used to only needing to brush twice every day, wearing braces is going to change things quite a bit. You should really try to brush your teeth after every meal you have to ensure that your teeth stay clean. Read More 

What To Do At Home When Your Brand New Dental Implant Is Bleeding

3 November 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

After getting a dental implant, be aware that there will be a recovery period where you may experience complications. Some of these complications, such as bleeding, are completely normal. However, it is important that you know what you should be doing at home to deal with bleeding. Here are three things you can do. Use Pressure You will be given some immediate care instructions right after leaving the dentist office with your new implant installed. Read More 

Why Getting Implant Dentures Might Be a Great Idea

8 October 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have been told that you will need to get dentures in the near future, or if you already have them, you might want to consider implant dentures. The sooner you get the implants put in, the better. This is because after the extraction of your natural teeth, you could begin to experience bone lose and you need as much bone as possible in order to be a candidate for implant dentures. Read More 

Why Fluoride Treatments Are Beneficial For You

12 September 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When you visit a dentistry clinic for an exam and cleaning, your dentist will probably ask you if you want a fluoride treatment. Dentists highly recommend these treatments; however, they will let you opt out if you choose to. The problem with declining this service is that you will miss out on all the benefits fluoride offers. Here are a few things you should understand about fluoride and this benefits it offers. Read More 

What Are Periapical X-Rays?

22 August 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

During a routine dental checkup, your dentist might take bitewing X-rays of your teeth. This is extremely normal during a routine dental visit, and dentists typically take bitewings once a year. There are times, though, when dentists will take additional types of X-rays, and one of these types is called a periapical X-ray. Here are several things you should know about periapical X-rays. What they show While bitewing X-rays are great at showing areas of a person's mouth that the dentist cannot see, periapical X-rays are great at showing one or two particular teeth. Read More